Candidate for Winnsboro City Alderman
About Me
My name is CJ Thatcher, and I am asking for your vote on May 4th for City Council.
As an active member of the city council and Winnsboro's Mayor Pro Tem, I feel that I have much to offer the citizens of Winnsboro. I have consistently participated in city council meetings over the course of my 2-year term, and have presided over two city meetings thus far. These meetings can be seen on YouTube under City of Winnsboro.
I have held many leadership roles throughout my life and I believe I possess skills and experiences that can positively impact the future of Winnsboro. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in Communications and hold five secondary school teaching certificates. My career as an educator spanned 29 years at Mineola, Yantis and Hawkins ISDs before moving to Winnsboro and subsequently retiring from full-time work.
Retiring at a relatively young age has afforded me the opportunity to devote time to causes I care about such as non-profit work and the future of this town. Helping to shape the future of the city is a time-consuming task, but one that I feel passionate about. As a former educator, I care very much about positively impacting the community so that it will thrive and provide a better future home for our youth. In my view, it is our responsibility to leave our city, our country and the planet in the best condition possible for future generations.
Why am I running for City Council?
Being a leader my entire adult life, I have served on and worked with many boards and have also been responsible for budgets of all scopes and sizes. I recognize the importance of good communication and collaboration among stakeholders. Having the time, the fiscal background, an understanding of how city government works, and the desire to serve my community makes me an ideal candidate for city council.
I would greatly appreciate your support and your vote for city council on May 4th.